Finals Week Resources
End of Semester Preparation
Five-Day Exam Preparation Strategy
Missouri State Links for Assistance
Center for Academic Success and Transition
Absent Professor Program (Absent Professor Program provides effective workshops by either substituting for faculty who cannot attend class or by providing workshops focusing on student success that supplement course material. The program benefits students by utilizing top scholarship recipients to guide struggling students on the skills necessary to navigate their major.)
Searchpath (Searchpath is a self-instructional tutorial to teach students basic library and research skills. It covers the research process from initial topic selection to citation styles and the issue of plagiarism.)
Missouri State Youtube Channel: Courses!
Subject Area Assistance
Clemson Problem Solving Sessions
Other Sources for Assistance
StatNotes: Topics in Multivariate Analysis
Grammar Check Infographic "How to Write an Essay Like the Pros"
Have educational fun with the band OK Go